"The Dolls of Japan" an exhibition presented by Consulate General of Japan, Chennai in association with ABK - AOTS DOSOKAI, Tamil Nadu Centre and the Japan Foundation. 70 dolls representing the customs, traditions, festivals and aspirations of the Japanese people. The exhibition is open from 08/02/2011 to 19/02/2011 at Anna Centenary Library.The Japan foundation engage in the international culture exchange activities in cooperation with over 130 countries around the world, focusing on three major program areas - the Arts and culture exchange , Japanese Language education overseas and Japanese studies and intellectual exchange.
The Dolls Of Japan introduce Japan's representative doll. In Japan , dolls have been a part of everyday life since ancient time. Japan dolls reflects the custom of Japan and the aspiration of its people, possess distinctive regional attributes and over the centuries have developed in many diverse forms. Dolls also provide a showcase for traditional Japanese craft products such as textile.We hope the Doll exhibition will help visitors to appreciate these various aspect of Japnese culture. For more photos visit our photo gallery