" Gajapathy Kulapathy" - A storytelling event for children
Posted by Anonymous on 12:56 PM

The Story telling session at the children's section of Anna Centenary Library on 23rd April by Dr.Sandhya Ruban along with Ms.Aruna and Ms.Harsha was really a magnificent show.It not only enthralled the children but also the entire audience.
The actors presented a visually rich show with Dr. Sandhya starting the session describing an elephant and made the children do actions like flapping the ears, using the trunk to bathe and throwing mud on each others etc. Then the story of Gajapathy Kulapathy was enacted. Ms. Aruna had different roles to do. First she came as a postman and then as an old lady.
The performance of Ms. Harsha who enacted as Gajapathy Kulapathy, the elephant was splendid. Gajapathy Kulapathy's trumphet amused the children.
On the whole the 1hour programme was a good treat to the eyes, ears and mind.
The participants were given an elephant mask made with paper plate by the storytelling team.
Hats off to Dr. Sandhya Ruban and team!
The story was based on a book " Gajapathy Kulapathy" by Ashok Rajagopalan published by Tulika.
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